Doing my best to create my own future!

The E-Learning Project Review (1) Intro.

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project ncu

When I was in the second year of the university, I applied for the double major program. The second major I chose is "Information Management", mostly the colleges will also call it "Management Information System (MIS)". The department required all the student to participat in a project.

We could decide our own goal or participate in a academic-industrial cooperation projects. Our team decided to do the second one. This project started at Feb. 13, 2015 and we have 1 year to complete our mission. The company we served is a social business called "New Life Information Services Co. Ltd. (NLIS)", which is with the motivation to assist the disables, especially the one who suffers from spinal cord injury, to acquire several computer and web programming skills to join the workplace.

Social business was defined by Nobel Peace Prize laureate Professor Muhammad Yunus and is described in his books Creating a world without poverty—Social Business and the future of capitalism and Building Social Business—The new kind of capitalism that serves humanity’s most pressing needs. - Wikipedia

They required us to deploy a basic learning platform to help them training the member of the company.

There are 5 people in our team, 4 of them were my classmates at the department of Information Management.

The members of our team (taken on 20151219)

In this project, my job is to design the layout and user interface of the system. I was also the manager of our server, we called it "the Queen" since it got failed most of the time and needed our service… :-(

The server we used (taken on 20160107)

The following table shows the specifications of the Queen which provided by the department. The Queen has been recycled on 20160108. R.I.P.

Server Info.Detail
CPUIntel Core i5-2400 @ 3.10GHz x 4
Memory8.0 GB
OSCentOS 7 x64 (RHEL Linux)
Database SystemMariaDB 5.5.41
Web ServerApache HTTP server 2.4.6
FTP ServerVSFTP 3.0.2

The detail information of this project will be continued in the next post, thanks for watching!
